Blackjack Strategies

Splitting 9's

By splitting 9's when the dealer has a weak card up, you are putting yourself in an enviable position.
I've already explained why eighteen is a mediocre hand. So if you have the opportunity to divide this hand and bet more money against the dealer when he is weak, do it!!

You split when the dealer shows 2 through 6, 8 or 9. Stand with he has 7, or 10 through ace.

Resist temptation and don't split 9's versus the dealer's 7. If you don't split, you can expect the dealer to turn:

Ace for eighteen. You tie.
10 through King for seventeen. You win.
2 through 9 for under seventeen. He must hit!

Notice that there is no single card the dealer can turn over and beat you.

Basic Blackjack Strategy when you have two 9's


2 6, 8, 9    SPLIT
7, 10 Ace     STAND

Splitting 10's

Last but not least among pairs and the pros and cons of splitting them are the 10's. I have one thought to pass along to you: Never, never split 10's under any circumstances! Period.

This isn't open to discussion, either by card counters or mind readers.
I've heard that certain Blackjack books say there are times when you should split 10's. Baloney!! I know of no card counters who practice this move.

When you have two 10's, you're in great shape. You're almost a cinch to win the hand. In fact, you can be darned sure of winning approximately 83% of the time. That's 5 out of 6 hands. Terrific odds.

Do you want to clear a table of good Blackjack players in a hurry? Split 10's. It is probably considered the most foolish move in the casino and good players will run from a table when somebody does it.

Basic Blackjack Strategy when you have two 10's


Any Card     STAND!


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