How to use card counting II

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How to use card counting
How to use card counting
By John Patrick

.. As long as it is first base ( the first SEAT at the table). So if first base ain’t open at the table you’re charting and back counting at, don’t waste your time. Find a table where first base is open and start your charting...

...only where you have the chance to enter the game at that seat. Man, I hope none of you cats look the option of sitting on your left ear. Now you can’t hear what I’m saying…

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I've already touched on this. It's unbelievable the number of people who honestly think that the person siting at third base actually determines whether the whole table wins or loses.
That's a lot of hogwash. It just happens that the last move you remember is the person at third base.
There are decisions made all around the table that afect the card the dealer will eventually pull and none are less or more important than the other.
Even if there was a rotten player at third base who continually made stupid moves, in the long run his moves would have a way of evening out.
You just tend to remember the ones that cost you a hand.
I love to watch Iff Heeda at a table. After a hand is over wherein some guy makes a move that hurts the whole table, this mathematical defunct goes into his act. He starts going over each hand, one by one, and yelling "if he had stayed, she gets that card and if she had hit, you'd get that card and then you would have hit and caught that card, if only he had hit when I wanted him to...
On and on he goes, reliving each move that would have happened, if only he or she had done such and such a thing.
Of all the gobbley garbage, the lff Heeda's at a Blackjack table rank right up there with the dopiest.
Three hands later, Iff Heeda is still dying about a past hand. It never ends until he wins a hand when somebody else shoulda, or coulda or woulda done something other that he dida.
If the other players at a table bother you, do the following:

a)    Don’t pay attention to them
b)    Leave the table

Do you think you’re gonna find perfect players at another table??
Dream on!! And who the deuce are these characters who usually cry the loudest? Usually a guy who makes a bushel of mistakes himself, but doesn’t even realice it.
Stop your belly-aching or play a game where the other players don’t make decisions, like Baccarat or Roulette.


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