Online blackjack strategy

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Online blackjack strategy
Online blackjack strategy

Hi Everyone, here's a great article written by Steward E. Ellwell, It describes a simple but powerfull online Blackjack system. Always hoping to help ya beat the house, your friend VP

How to Win Money with a Good Online Blackjack Strategy!
by Stuart E. Elwell

There are complicated formulas you can try and learn in order to beat the odds at online blackjack. The tips below are an attempt to simplify this online blackjack strategy process so that anyone can quickly grasp the best strategy to play online blackjack and start to win money.


This online blackjack strategy can help you to start winning money at online blackjack without trying to memorize hundreds of card combinations and what you have to do for each scenario. In my opinion this is unnecessary. Simply understanding the below basic blackjack strategy rules is all you need to learn. This way it will quickly become a natural way of playing without many hours of grueling practice.

The basic winning online blackjack strategy rules are: If the bank has a 2 to 6 you should stand on 12 upwards. If the bank has 7 to 10 (or an ace) try and get 17 to 21 and stand if you manage to get within this range. Always split when you get two aces or two eights, and always double your stake when you get 10 or 11 and the bank has a 5 or 6.

That's basically it. Below is a little more in depth explanation, read it if you wish - but make sure you read the CAUTION in the last paragraph before joining any online casinos!


To play online blackjack and allow yourself the maximum potential to win you have to be aware of the percentage odds for and against you. By this I mean you need to play logically, taking into account what the odds are of you getting the card you need on the next hit.

The best way to do this is to sort it out in your mind by simplifying the deck. The cards are simply 1 to 9 plus four 10's. Although there are 52 cards in a deck, and in a real-life casino several decks are shuffled together, the odds are still the same. So it is in online blackjack. You can have as many decks as you like, and shuffle them together all you want, at the outset of play the percentage odds are the same.

Now I know there is such a thing as card counting, but when you play online blackjack (i.e. at an online casino) obviously this strategy cannot work. So I shall ignore it here. However there are certain mathematical equations you do need to observe in order to stand the best chance of winning when playing online blackjack (or playing at your local casino too).


The chance of any online blackjack number being turned over is 7.7%. In other words there is a 1 in 13 chance of hitting any particular number EXCEPT for the number 10 which has a 31% chance (4 in 13).

Obviously, what numbers your first two online blackjack cards are will dictate the odds of you busting with the next card. When you get 12 upwards with your first two online blackjack cards you should always stand (unless it is a soft number of course i.e. with an ace). This is because even with 12 there is a 31% chance you'll bust. Or even if you don't bust you will be no better off unless you get a online blackjack card that takes you to the count of 17-21. So even on 12 you will need a 5,6,7,8 or 9 to make it worth the risk, but there is only a 38% chance of that happening (i.e. it won't work 62% of the time). So to hit on anything higher than 12 would be even more risky.

However there are some exceptions to this online blackjack "standing on 12 upwards" rule. This is particularly important when the online blackjack bank has an ace. This is because the bank is much less likely to bust so it's best to try and get between 17 and 21. Also when the bank gets a 10 there is a 61% chance it will get a 7 or higher (including ace) and so not bust. Of course this means there is a 39% chance it wont get these cards but even then there is a chance it won't bust even on the third card or fourth and so on. So you should try to get between 17 and 21 without busting if you can.

If the online blackjack bank gets a 7, 8 or 9 you should also try and get 17 to 21 for the same reasons as explained above but to a lesser degree.

Always double your stake when you get 10 or 11 and the bank has a 5 or 6 because the odds are very much in your favor that you will win this bet for the majority of times unless you are being very unlucky in your online blackjack strategy.

Finally always split a pair of aces and a pair of 8's as part of your online blackjack strategy. Aces because two is a bad number to have, but two aces is the best case scenario as you stand a good chance of winning both hands (unless the bank has an ace also). Split two 8's because 16 is a terrible number so you may as well try for two decent hands instead due to 8 by itself not being a bad card.

Give the above online blackjack strategy rules a try at your online casino without using real money and see how you get on.

A last word of CAUTION: Don't join ANY online casino until you check it is NOT blacklisted here.

Good luck!

Stuart E. Elwell

© Copyright 2004 - Stuart E. Elwell - All rights reserved.
You have permission to publish this online blackjack strategy on the Internet providing it is not altered in any way (including this notice)