Trends in Blackjack Gambling

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Blackjack Gambling Trends
Blackjack Gambling Trends
By John Patrick

Trends, streaks, patterns - I don't give a ding what you call them. Just remember that they are a fantastically powerful force in the world of gambling casino and handicapping the games you might play.

In fact, I know of guys who've been wagering for years, flash a blank stare as soon as I start talking to them about streaks. Most of them operate under the same antiquated assumption that when something happens, then the opposite is due to occur. No! No! A billion times, No!!!

My theory is that if you catch a hot trend in any form of casino gambling, you ride that wave until it breaks. Yet you can stand at a craps table and watch the wildmen of the world constantly fighting the trends and attempting to outguess the dice, by making bets on situations that they 'feel' will happen, or is 'due' to happen or 'should' happen.

Most of these guys operate under the same mistaken idea that if 4 passes in a row occur, then the odds on a game are in favor of a losing roll popping out. This is just not so. I want you to follow whichever way the pattern at a particular table may be heading. I strongly suggest you give a second look to this method of play.

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To make my point, let's start with the flipping of a coin. It doesn't matter the total number of flips, that's up to you. Make it 200 - 300 - 400 whatever you want. Be sure and record the outcome, in order, on a sheet of paper.
When you're finished, it will not matter which is the highest total - heads or tails, although chances are the results should be pretty close.
Now go back and look over the chart you made of those 300 flips. Take notice of how many streaks have shown. It won't be a constant reading of head, tail, head, tail, head, etc. You will find 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 of one or the other appearing on numerous occasions.
Even though the chances of head or tail showing is strictly 50-50, you'll find that streaks will always prevail.

This is true in Roulette, where the color black may show five times in a row and then red for seven in a row. Or in sports, the Yankees could win 8 games in a row and then go into a slump and lose 4 in a row. Who can explain it? Nobody, cause it happens so often and in every game you will play.
Suppose the Yanks did win 8 games in a row, which is not unlikely. Eyeam Dubblin has a theory that when a team wins 3 games in a row, then he jumps in and starts doubling his bet that they will lose a game. Can you imagine this poor Dubblin bumpkin watching 3 wins occur and ihen start doubling up that they will lose?
The next five wins will, or at least should, put an end to that ridiculous thinking cause those next five wins will bury him. More people go broke with this type of thinking then you may imagine* Think of it now. Are you one of those characters?

Nobody can explain why these streaks occur, but I base most of my handicapping in sports or charting tables in a casino, on the way the trend is going. When that particular trend starts to change, I either 'follow the trend' or leave that table and find a game that is going in the direction I have pre-determined to follow.
Let's give an example with the simple game of Roulette and go with the outside bet of Black/Red.
Since I believe so strongly in trends, I look for a streak to start. I decide on the color Black and walk over to a table. Suppose the number 3 came up on the next spin. Three is red, so no wager is made. Next spin shows 19. Again it was red and again no wager.
Bang - up pops number 10 black. I then bet on black for the next spin. Sure, I give up the first hit, but if black starts to show, I'm right there with a strong Money Management method, which we'll get into later.

The idea is this: I'll catch every streak of black that shows on the table. Suppose 4 blacks appear in a row and then red rears it's ugly head. My streak is over and no bet is made on the upcoming spin. Naturally a chopping pattern can beat me, but I will only get beaten 3 or 4 spins and bango, that session is closed and I simply leave that table.
Don't discount trends in gambling. Always look for the game of your choice to be showing a strong pattern toward one side. Then jump right in and ride that streak.
Since we're talking Blackjack and card counting, naturally there'll be chapters showing you how to find these hot or cold dealers and how to utilize those patterns. Personally, I pre-determine how I want to bet and then keep looking until a particular casino table is going the way I want to play.

This usually takes a lot of time, looking to find the proper streak, but the monetary return eventually will cure your tender case of "lackofactionitis."

TRENDS: a dominant part of casino gambling and a big, big factor in determining winning Blackjack sessions.

© Copyright 2005 John Patrick's material. It may not be published, broadcasted, rewritten, or redistributed.