Online Blackjack News - Gambling Strategy-Free Casino Games
Brief Tips for Online Blackjack Players
Blackjack is one of the most popular online casino games for a few good reasons. First off, it is easy to learn the rules of this game.
The Simplicity of Online Blackjack
Online casino games are popular because you do not have to leave home to play them. But on that same token, some have more to offer than others.
Blackjack Hopefuls: What you need to know
Are you one of the thousands of people who want to win a lot of money with blackjack? If you are holding onto this hope, good for you.
An Alternative to Wonging
In Beat the Dealer, Ed Thorp says he started out with 1:10 bet variation. When that attracted too much attention, he cut back so that his big bet was a smaller multiple of his small bet.
After you dealer
Three times I got to play my hand after the dealer's hole card was exposed. First a dealer peeked under a 10 and flipped over a4! We all have experienced the "double dip" look at a 4 in the hole under a 10 and flipped over a4!
Blackjack betting strategy - Sequence 2
As usual, it's imperative that I tell you no system will ever be consistently effective without a strong Money Management method to go along with it. This one calls for 12 chips and the following table shows you what your profit would be for each grouping if they hit:
Best Blackjack Game & Double Exposure
Simulation results indicate that there are vital differences in what your time is worth for different playing conditions. <a href="">Penetration</a> is important. The rules are important.
Blackjack Strategies - Penetration
When you <a href="">play blackjack</a>, penetration, or how far down into the pack the dealer goes before shuffling, is extremely important. I always knew it was important, but I learned from the mass of simulations I have done ...
Variations in Basic Strategy
In the beginning of the book you saw my Basic Strategy chart and by now I expect you to know it inside out, backwards and forwards. And now that you do, you'll be required to make...
Blackjack Variation Chart
The previous article covered my Theory on how to use the count. Now you'll see a detailed chart showing you how to apply these various moves. Do you have to memorize this chart? Yes!