Money management in Blackjack (Cont.)

I won't say one part of the BIG 4 is more important than the others. They're all too important and none can be ignored if you are to be a consistent winner. But I do know that more people lack Money Management than lack Knowledge of the Game.
People who come to my school are widespread in their skill levels when it comes to playing Blackjack. Some are very good, some good, most poor. But there is a respectable percentage that has a fair knowledge of the game.

Money management in Blackjack is a much different story. It's quite rare that I meet someone with a bona fide, dynamite method. Almost no one has a permanent system to follow.

When people come to my school, they take a test to determine their proficiency in Blackjack. Thousands of people have taken the test, which consists of twenty questions. The average number of wrong answers per test is about eight. That means people are 40% deficient in their Knowledge of the Game!

Isn't that unbelievable? 40%!!! Some have as many as sixteen wrong answers out of twenty. Any wonder the casinos report gross incomes of over 100 million dollars every month.

Out of the thousands who have taken the test, only one got every answer right one single, solitary person. A girl. A very pretty, articulate, young girl.

She arrived at an open house one night and said she knew the game of Blackjack, but wanted to know more.

She took the test and was perfect. Personally, I was happy to find someone who actually had it down pat. I remember her asking: "If I know as much about the game as you say I do, why do I usually lose??"

I told her: "You probably have no money management, and no discipline." She agreed that she didn't have either one.
She signed up for the Blackjack course to learn money management. She also took Card Counting. She is fabulous! Tremendous!

Her prior knowledge was helpful, but her desire to learn the game of Blackjack, with Money Management and Discipline, makes her a great student. She finished the course and now plays in Atlantic City almost every Saturday. She's a $5 bettor with a $600 bankroll. Her winnings have exceeded $2,000.

You may not think $2,000 is a great amount of money, but don't tell her that. She has added the finishing touches to her game. She has money management and discipline. She has learned how to win.

Then, there is this other guy. You may have sat next to him at a Blackjack table many times. He's having a great time betting $15, then $50, then $100, then down to $35, and so on. He's joking with the dealers and pit bosses, needling other players good naturedly, and flirting with the cocktail waitresses. All in all, he's having a hell of a good time.

Watch out when he starts losing a lot! He gets nasty with everybody! What caused the downfall?
He had plenty of winning streaks, but didn't know how to take advantage of them. He bet heavy while losing and broke a lot of other rules.

He lacks money management. He has no game plan. He ends up losing his whole bankroll. It'll be a long ride home. Ever take it? Not much fun, is it?


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