Multiple Labouchere Bets (cont.)

Notice on the previous example that the losing streak was so quick. The chart was starting to climb too high and that's the reason I wanted you to bet only a low amount, even though there were a lot of high numbers available:

    1    1    1    3    6
    1    2    1    4
    1/    1    1    4
    1    1    2    5

This is why I want you to use three and four tier lines, with plenty of 'ones' available. But again I remind you that it takes a lot of guts (and brains) to quit when you see things going bad.
Let's wrap up the examples by getting you to buy in for 50 cent chips and setting lines that will stay within the $5 minimum outlay that is required in most Atlantic City casinos and yet not letting the bets reach Jupiter and Mars. Here's an example:

    1    1    2
    1    2    3
    2    3    4
    3    4    5
    4    5    6
    5    6    7

If you're gonna use this line and make them $5 chips, you're gonna need an extra pair of Dolly Parton's bras to carry the Session money you'd need to play. Only a couple of boobs would start with lines that big. Let me rephrase that last sentence and call them jerks.

But if you make them 50~ chips, you can find enough combinations to come up with a starting bet of $5, and even if you lose, there is a tremendous amount of combinations that will pop up.

I won’t go thru  the examples of a normal session, but if this is the way you’d like to play, work out a couple of practice sessions and get a feel for the system.
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