Blackjack Fallacies and Myths (cont.)

Myth #6

It is impossible to win playing against 4 or 6 decks because there are too many cards to keep track of - Again, while it is true that the house has a slightly larger edge with multiple decks, tracking the cards works just the same with 1,2,4,6 even 8 decks. Tracking multiple decks is just a little more fatiguing. If you don't believe you can track 4 or 6 decks, go ahead and buy them shuffle them and track them. After a few short sessions, you will know that you will be able to track any number of decks of cards!

Myth #7

You need a bankroll of thousands of dollars to make any money at casino Blackjack - You can start with as little as $200. It will take you longer to make larger amounts of money as you must start small using small bets and lower profits, but as you accumulate your winnings you can move up and bet larger and larger amounts.

Myth #8

There is no cheating in Las Vegas - I personally have never experienced cheating by any dealer, but it is possible it can happen. Dealers can get unhappy with the casino or try to help their friends. But, if they get caught cheating the casinos risk losing their gambling license and in affect lose their source of income.

Myth #9

They only cheat high rollers - If a dealer is going to cheat, they do not restrict it to the high rollers.

Myth #10

Casinos use shills to cheat players - Shills are casino employees that play with the casinos money in order to attract players to empty tables.

There are many others, but as far as my memory recalls these are the main ones,  use them and abuse them, a good advise is always helpfull.

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