Controlling the blackjack game

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Controlling the blackjack game
Controlling the blackjack game
By Dino The Greek

Winning on a regular basis, having some fun and not getting beat up at the blackjack tables can be accomplished through maximizing your odds and minimizing your money management mistakes.

Money Management

Before you plunk down your cash, it’s important for every smart blackjack player to set some goals and strategies based upon that session’s circumstances. A game plan is important at blackjack. Yes, we all want to win, and win as much as we can, but starting out with a game plan and adhering to it, will help increase any players odds of coming away with the best result possible, with the hands fate deals them. Just like sports or business, if there is no game plan, the chances of winning at blackjack are greatly reduced.

Most people don’t have an unlimited casino gambling bankroll or unlimited time to in which to gamble. Going into the casino with a bad attitude, a small bankroll and limited time to play is a hindrance to winning over the long run. And just as importantly, gambling should be enjoyable. Forcing the issue and losing will certainly not make it enjoyable.

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There are four different situations. A blackjack player will increase his odds of winning by changing his betting patterns according to the situation. The situations are.

•    No time and a big bankroll
•    No time and a small bankroll
•    Lots of time, with a limited bankroll
•    Lots of time with a big bankroll

The first thing is to decide which one of the four is your current situation. I say current because for most people things change daily. The second thing is to decide what your goal for that session is. And adjust your wager amounts accordingly.

Be comfortable in playing each hand the proper way, rather than what your finances and time dictate.  Once you’ve got a handle on money management, your emotions will be less of a factor and allow you to make the correct decisions more often.

Dino The Geek

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