Online Blackjack Guide (cont.)



As a general rule ! DONT split a winning hand. What is a winning hand, well on 85% of the cases if you get two 10's you have a huge probability to win or push. Some people tend to split 10's , we call this BAD PRACTICE ! If your first two cards have the same point value, you may split them into two separate hands by placing a second bet equal to the original bet. You then proceed to draw cards. You are able to draw as many cards as you like on each split hand, but if you split two aces, you receive only one additional card for each ace. If you split two aces and one of your hands totals 21, it is counted as 21 and not blackjack. Aces can, and should be, split. Normally the casino will also allow you to re-split after the original split. For example, you split two eight's and now are dealt again an eight as the second card of one of those two hands. You can split this hand again and now play three hands. Some casinos have limits on re-splitting aces and if the player is unsure of the casino house rules he should ask the dealer. We recommend to always split Aces and 8s.


After you are dealt two cards, and think that another card will allow you to beat the dealer's hand, you can increase your bet by an amount up to your original bet or double your bet. This is also known as 'doubling down'. Once you decide to 'double down' you are allowed to receive just one more card. You cannot stand on your original hand or take more than 1 additional card. For example, you may be dealt a 5 and a 6 for a total of 11. You can now double down, hoping to get a 10 value card (the most frequent value card in an unplayed deck). The casino house rules vary for doubling down. For example some allow only doubling down on 10 and 11 totals while others allow on any two card total. Some casinos allow it only on original hands and not split hands, while others allow doubling down after splitting. Be sure to know the rules of your casino before starting to play.


Like on an article we wrote on Online Blackjack News, we dont recommend to use insurace everytime, unless the hand or game of the dealer becomes too obvious to pass the insurance. When buying insurance, you place ½ of your initial bet by pressing the 'Insurance' Button (in the case of an online casino). If the dealer does have blackjack, you are paid 2 to 1 on your insurance bet. If the dealer doesn't have blackjack, you lose your insurance bet.

Thats all, now got back to your favorite Online Casino, or check our main page and get it going. Remember its all about the fun and entertainment, not about I need to pay the rent.

Be wise ! , be Smart , be Safe ... ENJOY ~!

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