Blackjack Strategies

Soft Hands Ace 2 through Ace 6 (Cont.)

The chart has us doubling all soft hands between A 2 and A 6, so does that mean we figure to get a great hand with that one card draw? You may be surprised with the figures. With the average winning hand being 18.5, it is a 19 or 20 or 21 that we hope to get. Yet, if you work out each and every one of these DD situations, you will find only three chances out of thirteen cards that will reward us with 19, 20, or 21. Take a look.

I will just take one of the soft double down situations, but you can work the others out in your spare time. But don't bother. It will still only come to a 3 in 13 shot at giving us a powerful hand. I'll go for the A 4 vs. the dealer's up card of 6. We double our bet and here are the possible results:

1.    If we draw a 3, we get a so so 18.
2.    If we draw a 2, we get a lousy 17.
3.    If we draw an Ace, we get a terrible 16.
4.    A 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or lack or Queen or King give us a total of 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15. So far there are ten different cards and we have zilch to show for our troubles.
5.    If we draw a 4 or 5 or 6, we end up with 19, 20, or 21.
They are the only three cards that will put us in fat city.

As you can readily see, there are only three out of thirteen cards that will seem to make doubling down a good bet. That is because we have to take every opportunity we can, at getting more money vs. the dealer when she is in trouble.

It merely proves how bad off we are when the dealer shows a power card. Basic strategy tries to make up for it by giving us as many DD situations as possible, when dealer is reeling. Kind of proves how bad off we are when faced with those power cards in the hands of the dealer. (Remember the chapter on surrender?)

Bottom line? Double those soft hands as shown on the chart, even though the chances of improving our hand is small; the fact that the dealer is in trouble is the main reason for these moves and when the dealer is in trouble, go the bully route.


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