Online Blackjack Strategies

The Play

On the first 7, the dealer gives you a 4, for a total of eleven. Now, you must double down. So, you push out another $5 chip. The dealer gives you a three, and you shudder. Your first 7 ends up as a disgusting 14.

The dealer hits your second 7 with a 3 for a total of ten. Again, you double down against the dealer's 6. You place another chip on the layout. This time he gives you a 5 for a total of fifteen. You have dug into your session money for an additional $15 over your original $5 bet. You are now risking $20.

The dealer still has to draw to his up card of 6 and you feel pretty safe. He turns over his down card and it is an Ace, giving him a total of seventeen. You lose the $20 and the series is over. It is one of the rare times when you can win the first hand in a series and end up losing that series.

This occurs when there are double down and split opportunities. Even though losses are possible, don't deviate from Basic Strategy rules. Always double down and split when the situation calls for it. Even though you will occasionally lose when you double down or split, these are the best times to increase your long term winnings.
I call this regression/progression the New York system because the bet numbers 2 1 2 are the same as New York City's telephone area code: 212

Two chips, one chip, two chips. That's the secret to the beginning of a winning series. Remember it!


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