Online Blackjack Strategies

A Pair Of Aces

You're not seeing things, when you look at my chart and I tell you to split Aces only against 2 through 8, and hit against 9 through Ace.

I expect a lot of arguments from Blackjack players, who, for years, have split Aces regardless of what card the dealer shows.

Well, I justify not splitting Aces against 9 through Ace for the same reason that you shouldn't double down an eleven against 9 through Ace. With two Aces, you are even more powerful because you're more flexible. You are almost guaranteed to get a standing hand when you hit.

If you are still convinced that you would rather split Aces across the board, you haven't yet fully appreciated how strong the dealer is when he shows 9 through Ace.

Remember, you receive only one card on each Ace after splitting. Against power cards, be prepared to catch a big share of little cards 2 through 7, or Ace. With them, you'll wind up with weak hands. Then the dealer has numerous ways to beat you for twice the amount of your original bet.

By splitting Aces, the odds are that you'll end up with less than an average hand 7 out of 13 times. What about the dealer's prospects when he has a 10 up? Well, he'll turn over a 9, another 10, a face card, or an Ace an average of 6 out of 13 times and destroy you!

I have spent hours and hours discussing this move with several professional card players. You would be surprised at how many of them are coming over to my theory on this hand.

An important part of learning how to gamble is to acquire or develop a theory of play that you can believe in and support. No single opinion is gospel. When you perfect this game, your theory on any questionable move is as strong as anyone else's. Nobody is actually wrong; it is merely different opinions on how to play different hands.

Before condemning my conservative style of play, try a six deck shoe and run off a few hours of play using different tactics with a pair of Aces. Realize how powerful you are with two Aces to maneuver with.

I want to make you a consistent winner. My school's graduates are living proof that my method of play, combined with Money Management, is fabulous. And they have won with small bankrolls.

Want testimonials? Write to me and I'll put you in touch with plenty of people I taught to be winners.

Basic Blackjack strategy when you have two Aces

9 Ace HIT

Slots Plus Casino Gambling

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