The little three in gambling

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The little three in gambling
The little three in gambling
By John Patrick

In order of importance, this set of three items ranks behind the Big 4, but in their own way have a direct bearing on putting together a whole new outlook on gambling.

Forget all the garbage that has been handed down through the years about the world of wagering:

a)    Gamblers always die broke,
b)    Always split aces and eights,
c)    Gamble only for fun,
d)    The game is rigged,
e)    The Roulette wheel is gaffed,
f)    The deck is marked,
g)    The dice are loaded,
h)    The quarterback is on the take,
i)    The fix is on,
j)    The fighter with the black trunks is in the tank,
k)    The 'boys' got to the jockey,
l)    The house never loses,

I'm sure you've heard some or all of the above at one time or another. And if you have and if you believe any of them, then why be such a boob and still gamble?

I don't wanna waste time breaking all of these sayings down, but the quotes are usually bellowed by losers, or people who know nothing about gambling (Which, by the way, could encompass about 95% of the people who gamble anyway. But that's another story.).

Take for instance the gaffed Roulette wheel. It would take you a year of Tuesdays to chart every wheel, to even get an inkling that something is up. And thousands of people who lose at the track swear that the jockey was dragging his heels trying to slow down his mount. Stop your bellyaching and concentrate on how to attack the games overall, instead of crying in your beer every time things don't go your way.

There are shady things that have happened, is happening, and will continue to happen as long as human beings have some type of control. But overall the games are straight up.

If you play in a weekly poker game where you think somebody is dealing with tricky fingers you have a variety of options:

a) Catch him in the act and break his arm,
b) Confront him eyeball to eyeball,
c) Quit the game
d) Stop your whinning, (maybe you're just a roten player)
But stop looking for excuses for losing. Most losses can be attributed directly to a lack of the Big 4, so check and if you have all of those things. Just wipe' all of that nonsense out of your head and adopt a new approach. Let's go to the Little 3.


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