Online Blackjack Strategies

The Soft Hand in Blackjack (cont.)

Watch the Ace 7 versus power up cards (9 or higher). In these cases, the Basic Strategy chart says to hit not double down! It is the old story of eighteen being too weak, and the dealer's card being too strong.

Julian Braun points out in his computations, that you'll lose 59 hands out of 100 if you stay with the soft eighteen against a dealer's 10. He further states that if you hit the soft eighteen against the dealer's 10, you will lose 57 hands out of 100. Therefore, the percentage move is to hit rather than stand.

I know this is a difficult move to make, especially when you have a large bet riding on the play. But, if you want to play winning Blackjack, you'll have to learn to make the right moves. Not just once in awhile, but all the time.

The final two combinations have to do with Ace 8 and Ace 9. I have seen many people double down with these hands, and I cringe!

They are taking nineteens and twenties and toying with them. When you reach nineteen or better, either hard or soft, learn to stand. You will win most of the time.

Perfecting the soft hands will make you a tough player. Don't be discouraged if you get poor hits. It's not a good hand you're trying for, it's a winning hand. How can a winning hand be anything but a good hand? Well, a winning hand is one that beats the dealer. And, when the dealer busts, if you're still in the game, you have a winning hand. It doesn't matter if you have twenty or a pair of deuces.

In summary, the percentage of times you will reach nineteen by drawing a card to soft hands is very small. But, whenever Basic Strategy tells you to increase your bet against the dealer when he is in a breaking position, don't be timid. He'll lose more when he is in trouble and you'll be able to increase your winnings. That should be your sole purpose for playing Blackjack.

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