Blackjack Strategies

Soft Nineteen-Twenty

Soft nineteen is an Ace and an 8. Soft twenty is an Ace and a 9.

I can't draw you 19 or 20 pictures to put my point across you'll just have to pay attention: Soft nineteen’s and twenties are beautiful hands! I'd love to have them all day long, every day of the year. So, why do people double down with these hands? Beats me.

Actually, it doesn't beat me, it beats them! Which is the inevitable outcome of any stupid move. You'll get beaten in the long run.

If you are dealt a soft nineteen or twenty, don't take a hit and don't double down. Cherish your good fortune. These are great hands. Leave them alone.

When I see people in casinos doubling down with these powerful hands against the dealer's 5 or 6, I guess they are looking for extra money when the dealer's in trouble.

They're too ambitious! It's true you should double down against the dealer when he's in trouble, but only when you have poor hands to begin with. Never double down with a good hand. Be thankful you got it!

Keep these strong hands and build your winnings.


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